Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Mountain Dew Mouth Begone part 3

          Yesterday afternoon I went in for a bebridement.  The people down at Sedona Smiles have been wonderful.  The whole team has a going forward attitude that is infectious.  So far I am not sure I could be in a better environment to overcome a major hurdle in my life.  For those that do not know, I am a gamer.  I was hardcore gamer before that was a term.  Yes I was one of the kids that flipped space invaders on the 2600.   I've prolly played computer games most people have even heard of, not including early ones you had to code.  My Id says I turned 45 this past October, but I'm still just a child. Even now I'm caught on getting an android mini pc to run a linux  application to see how much processing power I can throw at a problem with the least amount of power consumption.  The point is living the gamer life took it's toll on my teeth, I have developed whats known as mountain dew mouth.  This is a ridiculously elevated tooth decay brought on by the habits of gamers.  For years I drank almost nothing but coca-cola, oh how I love you temptress, Santa shaper.  During the years I played mmorpg's I would sit for 10 to 16 hours a day with a 2 liter by my side, happily sipping my teeth away.  Unbeknownst to me, I'm an idiot what can I say, the effects the acid have on your teeth is such.  A sip washes over your teeth, the acids in the soda soften the enamel, this effect last for roughly 30 min.
If your someone that drinks a serving not such a huge deal.  Make that your lifestyle drink, and you end up with a mouth looking like mine.  I know pretty gross, a real they call me Yuck Mouth live and in person.  Lucky for me my mother, and step-father are being enormously generous helping me get past my mistakes.  As for the debridement it was a piece of cake, when you've suffered through the teeth pain I have getting to this point, a little poking around is pretty mild discomfort.  Luckily for me it looks like I will be able to keep the bottom teeth.  Next visit is 12/18 where the nastiness below the gum line will be cleaned up.  The treatment plan laid out, and the adherence to professional ethics provide no small measure of comfort.

Till next time


Friday, December 6, 2013

Mountain Dew Mouth Begone update

Well I had my first appointment in my quest to rid myself of a mouth full of rotting broken teeth.
There were no illusions going in.  I know this will be a painful learning experience for me.
Next up is a Tuesday appointment where a debridement  will be performed.
The dentist says this must be done before we can even fully know what all will need to be done to bring my mouth back into some semblance of health.

If  I can convince them to I'll get some of the x-rays see if I can't highlight some of the worst spots for those of you who like that kind of thing.

short update as I'm in the early stages.

Thank you for my first donation to my fundraiser


Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Mountain Dew Mouth and Me

Over the next several months my horror show of a smile will be getting fixed.  This is much less about vanity as I can feel the effects this long term decay has had on my health.  This is something I rarely talk about, I'm not really all that interested in myself.  I am interested in all of you, you are all so fascinating.  If I want to stay around, and watch all the wonderful things everyone does, I will need to get healthy.  To do so my teeth need to come out, yes they are that bad.  I was never a yuck mouth, I brushed on a regular basis. What I did not understand that how I was enjoying my time was slowly eating away my teeth from the inside.
One day I noticed a line on my front tooth, within a week it had split, and parts had broken off.

So while I am going through this I will be using this blog to document my progress.

that being said, I am a sensitive person, and sharing this portion of my life is not easy.

 yeah I know not pretty.  I promise I'm not so bad looking when you can't see my teeth!! lol

I'll keep this up to date as best I can

Thank you


If you have a moment please check out my fundraiser.
help Jack smile